Christian community in Wilkinsburg, PA

Sunday worship: 10:00am

Sunday school: 11:30am

Covenant Fellowship Reformed Presbyterian Church

1300 Swissvale Ave, Wilkinsburg, PA 15221

For the community

Covenant Fellowship is a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. Located in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, its members come from Wilkinsburg, the city of Pittsburgh and several of its eastern suburbs. Our focus is on living as a Christ-like community as we seek to love our neighbors in a region that has suffered economically and relationally in recent decades.

Visit Covenant Fellowship RP Church

Plan to arrive a few minutes before the service. There is usually room in the church parking lot, with overflow parking on Hill St, E. Swissvale Ave, and Glenn Ave. Enter through the doors at the top of the parking lot or Grace & Peace Pollinator Garden.

Men's bathroom is down the parking-side stairs in the entrance. Women's bathroom is down the garden-side stairs. Unisex/Handicap bathroom is through the auditorium on the left, to the left, and the last door on the right.

The nursery is staffed during Sunday school, and available for families during the service. It is through the auditorium on the right, to the right, and the last door on the left.

The church's main entrance is at the top of the parking lot

Covenant Fellowship main entrance